2012 San Diego to Puerta Vallarta

The 2012 San Diego to Puerta Vallarta offshore race is in full swing, with the thursday starters enjoying strong breeze all down the course. KYD has a lot of skin in this game In Div 2 Kernan 68′ “Peligroso” (2 time PV race overall winner) Dr Laura Schlessinger’s new 47′ “Katana”. In Div 3 “Ocelot”, […]
Transpac 2011

The Transpac race has begun! The July 4th start saw light air, and Harry Zanville’s Kernan designed SC37 “Celerity” took a quick lead at the start. The fleet has been struggling with light air and having to work north to get into the gradient breeze. “Celerity” is furthest north and in a great position to […]
Kernan 68 Review

“One of the most successful boats in Southern California this past year was Peligroso, a Tim Kernan design aimed at reviving the good old days. As Kernan tells it, “The two owners had sailed almost everything—the 70s, the Beneteaus, the Transpac 52s, and the yachts with canting keels. But the question they kept asking each […]